
Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that removes the top layers of your skin, removing dead skin and peach fuzz, leaving your skin more radiant and smooth.

  • Exfoliation: Dermaplaning effectively removes dead skin cells and built-up debris from the skin's surface.

    Enhanced Skincare Product Absorption: By eliminating the layer of dead skin cells and peach fuzz (vellus hair), dermaplaning allows skincare products to penetrate more deeply into the skin.

    Smoother Skin Texture: Dermaplaning helps to minimize the appearance of rough or uneven skin texture.

  • $100

    Add ons available:

    Facial Ultrasound - Add on our ultrasound device to your facial to help create micro vibrations that instantly smooth the skin and increase the permeability of the skin’s protective layer, enabling better nutrient absorption. $50

    Lymphatic Drainage Massage - Add on our lymphatic drainage massage to help sculpt the face, delivering instant reduction of redness and puffiness while infusing active ingredients even deeper into the skin. $50